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School Robins is a powerful communications tool designed for school leaders by Edukey Education Ltd. It removes the paper trail of round robins.
We make great software for the education sector.

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School Robins is an information gathering tool for school leaders and teachers. Just create an information request (aka Round Robin) about a student, group or topic. Each chosen member of staff receives an email and staff replies are neatly collated into reports, providing you with up to date information at your fingertips.
- Automatic collation of staff responses
- Quickly gain information on students or groups
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- SIMS compatible
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Collate Information

Better Than Email

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School Robins is designed and supported by a team of teachers with a
We know what it is like to work in a school and our expert team do their very best to
support you every step of the way.
“We have started to use the school robins as well, which helps cut down on the paperwork and much more of an easy quick efficient way to get information about pupils. It is
“The other element we use within Provision Map is School Robins for communicating very speedily with all the teachers that teach our
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Book a demo with us today and let us help you reduce your workload.

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We are so proud to have achieved Bett Award Company of the Year. Our success is down to our great team who go the extra mile every day for the schools who use our software.

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